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Whether it’s for a single month, an entire season or all year long, Great Clips salons and our partners offer awesome promotions for our haircare services and products. Check out the latest and greatest now—and be sure to check back often because we’re always adding more!

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*Onetime offer only. Eligible for newly opted-in email addresses only. Not valid with other offers.

Save on haircare products

Refresh your hair routine with great savings on great products like shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, curl cream and pomade.

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Senior discounts at Great Clips

Great Clips salons offer great savings for seniors ages 65 and older all year long—no coupon needed!

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Keep that back-to-school cool, all year long

When it comes to school-year style, parents and kids don’t always speak the same language. Luckily, you can use our slang glossary, haircut lookbook and other fun resources year round to make sure everyone in the family stays looking and feeling GREAT.

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Great Clips® did it Wright for March Madness®

Legendary Coach Jay Wright helped us show fans how to sport great hair in March and beyond—and we gave away a trip for two to the 2025 Final Four®!
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#ShowYourFlow winners are in!

Our judges and voters have selected the six lucky fans who will be inducted into the Hockey Hair Hall of Fame and win an epic prize package from Great Clips® and the NHL®. Click through to see who made it!

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Monster Jam® Great Clips Mohawk Warrior®

We’re excited to support every action-packed, suspension-filled moment of one of the world’s most thrilling and entertaining motorsports competitions—Monster Jam.

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